The year has flown by! My little Brit is getting bigger and bigger, just like all babies do, so I am not too surprised. He has brought such a joy into our family. He is the cutest little guy and he is loved by all of us. I have LOVED watching him grow every day, sometimes major accomplishments and other days small things. His laugh is contagious, his smile melts your heart, his unstable walk is hilarious, and keeps you on pins and needles, wondering if he'll topple over. It is fun but hard to watch children grow up, before Iknow it Brit will be Caleb's age and that is hard for me to handle. So we'll just take one year at a time!
Happy Birthday to my darling Brit!
I love you so much! (I have a ton of photos to post but that will have to wait...we are busy around this house!)
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