I think the egg hunt took maybe 3 minutes. Once the siren blared...the eggs were gathered up in no time flat. Lib showing her eggs.
I told you we braved the cold, wet morning. After I got Brit all bundled he hardly fit into his car seat.
After Zach came home from camping we headed up to Grammy & Papa's house for the annual Peterson Hunt. We started the fun by coloring eggs. A tradition that everyone loves...Adam was so funny, he colored all his eggs green and then put another coat of orange on the top of the green. He was loving it. Liberty and Kate sat at the end of the table and spent lots of time coloring theirs. They were loving it.
Kate and Liberty putting tons of thought into what color to dye their eggs.
Adam showing his hands after putting the two colors on his eggs.
While all the other kids were coloring eggs...Zach was hanging out with Dad & Craig in the living room...Man Talk!
After coloring eggs we headed outside to hunt for eggs. Papa saves his change all year long and then fills plastc eggs with all the money. This year there was $167.00 up for grabs. The kids filled their buckets and had a great time doing it. Liberty and Zach both came out with a bunch of money. Liberty ended up with $18.20 and Zach with $20.00. So fun! The kids made a big sign to thank Grammy and Papa for a fun hunt. It was great to be with the family and enjoy yummy treats and chatting.
Liberty filling her bucket
Zach grabbing as fast as he can.
Almost all the grandkids...saying thanks to Grammy and Papa.
We had another fun filled day Sunday. We went to church and enjoyed the lessons and talks given about our Savior and his Ressurection. After church we were able to go to Grandma & Grandpa's house for Easter dinner and another egg hunt. Caleb was the lucky one who got to hide the eggs. He thought that was pretty cool. Once everyone arrived, we had the hunt....the kids went running out grabbing everything in site.
Everyone making a mad dash out the door to gather eggs.
We had to put Brit and Colin together...cousins that are just a month and a half apart. They looked so cute together.
Colin and Brit's first meeting. So cute!
Jax was so curious about Brit. He kept sniffing him and checking him out. You would have been so proud of me, I didn't freak out when Jax crawled on top of Brit and was licking him. If it had been any other dog I would have freaked! But Jax is so well taken care of I know that he was safe. The funny thing was that Brit didn't even wake up.
Jax giving Brit kisses
Jax trying to figure out Brit.
It was a fun night. We celebrated April birthday's. It used to be just Caleb for so long but now he has to share it with Liberty and Colin. Craig's cousin Carly also is an April b-day. We sang and the kids got to open presents. Caleb got much needed batting gloves and Liberty a new cute swimsuit with a pink cover up. Very fun!
Caleb trying on his new batting gloves
What a fun weekend! Nothing better than spending time with family all weekend long.
You did cram a lot into a weekend! I'm tired just reading this!
That was fun Saturday. I'm still laughing at the orange and green eggs! We are so lucky to have such fun nieces and nephews! All of them are so adorable!
And seriously, Brit is the cutest baby!
first, i can't believe you are the mother of a teenager! great pictures---brit is soooo cute! liberty is so cute is that first picture--like i am so cold, but so want my candy!
what a fun weekend!
Those are some great pictures of Jax and Brit. Thanks for taking them and for letting Jax figure out what that cute thing in the car seat was. I could tell Jax was so concerned when Brit started crying, it was the cutes thing ever!
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