Friday, November 20, 2009

Light Reading!

I came across this photo that I LOVE and totally forgot to blog so I thought I would share. I was blow drying my hair one morning and came into Craig's office to find Brit had pulled down a few books off the shelf, which isn't unusual. But check out what book he pulled down, opened and was looking at....

Yep, he was checking out THE NEW BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE! (Do you wonder what the OLD BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE was like???) I just started laughing, which made him laugh. I had to click a quick photo. But seriously, is he not the cutest little guy??? He is so happy and easy going, it is just what kind of baby we needed! For that I am very thankful!


Cari said...

Priceless! He's so darling!

Jen said...

So cute! Can't wait to see him in person in less than a month!

Amy-Sue and Gian Del Bello said...

Now that is halirious!!