Christmas in pictures...(kind of out of order, but you'll get the drift!)
With Christmas being on a Sunday, we made a deal that the kids could see what Santa brought them, then they had to get ready for church and if there was enough time before we had to leave they could open gifts. Keep in mind we have 9:00 am church!
Craig and I couldn't believe that the kids didn't wake up until 8:00 am. At 5:30 Craig was chomping at the bit. Finally, after being up forever, the started stomping around upstairs and still they wouldn't wake up. He finally woke them up, mostly because we needed to leave by 8:40 am. Don't you worry, the kids were able to get a lot accomplished in the short amount of time they had! Stockings were checked, and dumped, candy wrappers were left all over the room, luckily Santa doesn't wrap at our house, so those were easily seen and loved. Church close were on, hair was combed, teeth were brushed and a few gifts were unwrapped all in 40 minutes. Which has to be a record for us! To bad every Sunday isn't that way!
The day was vote is that Christmas is always on Sunday. I LOVE IT!
Check out the fun photos, somehow, I need to have someone take a photo of me next year! I am NEVER in the photos. Oh well, we all had a wonderful day!
Christmas tree full of presents waiting to be opened.
Santa has been here and kids are still sawing logs in the basement!
On Christmas Eve I told the kids that we were going to have a contest. Of course, out of all the shopping I did, once again this year I didn't buy pj's. I always kick myself...I WILL NOT FORGET NEXT YEAR! The contest was for each of them to come up with the best elf looking pj's. I didn't think it would be as good as it was!
Zach wasn't very into the idea! But those socks are pretty good.
I never thought I'd see it... Caleb in a UofU jersey! Pretty darn funny! :)
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