Once again the time has come for our Peterson Family Draper Days Celebration. What makes me crack up is the fact that for years now we have outlawed the actual "Draper Days" festivities and just have our own fun at Mom & Dads. But I think it will always be known as Draper Days. The kids and I ventured up to Draper on Friday night, (Craig needed to stay and work on the retaining wall and would come meet us Saturday). We got up there and Cortney & Cari's family were there. We had a great time eating and laughing and just hanging out all night and into the morning. It amazes me that I haven't figured out how to go to sleep at a decent hour when I attend these things (2:00 am isn't a decent hour). The young ones were up early as usual, they wanted a head start on a day of play. We spent Saturday hanging out, playing outside, playing in the little swimming pool, & eating of course! The party officially began around 5:30 or 6:00 pm. We had a great dinner as usual, a great talent show that was absolutely hilarious! A little more play and then the great Draper City Fireworks show! Which did not upset! It was a long day but a great day spent together as a family. There isn't anything I would rather do! The people in my family are those who I love to spend time with, laugh with, cry with, play with, and everything else! I am one lucky gal to have so many great people in my life. I love you all!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Draper Days 2008
Once again the time has come for our Peterson Family Draper Days Celebration. What makes me crack up is the fact that for years now we have outlawed the actual "Draper Days" festivities and just have our own fun at Mom & Dads. But I think it will always be known as Draper Days. The kids and I ventured up to Draper on Friday night, (Craig needed to stay and work on the retaining wall and would come meet us Saturday). We got up there and Cortney & Cari's family were there. We had a great time eating and laughing and just hanging out all night and into the morning. It amazes me that I haven't figured out how to go to sleep at a decent hour when I attend these things (2:00 am isn't a decent hour). The young ones were up early as usual, they wanted a head start on a day of play. We spent Saturday hanging out, playing outside, playing in the little swimming pool, & eating of course! The party officially began around 5:30 or 6:00 pm. We had a great dinner as usual, a great talent show that was absolutely hilarious! A little more play and then the great Draper City Fireworks show! Which did not upset! It was a long day but a great day spent together as a family. There isn't anything I would rather do! The people in my family are those who I love to spend time with, laugh with, cry with, play with, and everything else! I am one lucky gal to have so many great people in my life. I love you all!
Posted by Craig and Cricket at 2:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Going Goth!
Okay, so a few nights ago I was painting Liberty's fingernails. While I was doing my best to make her have cute fingers and toes, she was busy telling me all the colors of fingernail polish we NEEDED! I just had to laugh. She rambled on and on about yellow, orange, blue, a better purple cause the one we have just isn't right, and we totally need some new clear, cause we are all out, oh and we need some black, so we could have space nails. She kept this up for about 5 minutes. It sometimes amazes me how much she can talk about the most random subjects. Very funny!
So yesterday while I was at the store I just happened to be walking down the nail polish isle. I saw what I thought would be the perfect "space nails" color. It is a dark purple with sparkles, you know like stars. I thought I was doing great! I got home and thought I better try this out before I let it go on Liberty. I am sitting in my office painting my nails and I will admit it is dark and kind of weird, but as fast as she goes through fingernails and toe nail polish, it would be fine. I could hear Caleb coming up the hallway and he walks into my office and sees the color and his first comment is:
Posted by Craig and Cricket at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Sometimes you just need a Bandaid
Don't tell me you wouldn't laugh if this is what you saw! Even with it on she still is so cute!
Posted by Craig and Cricket at 1:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Williams' Family Reunion!
Williams Family Reunion 2008
We had so much fun spending last week with the Williams side of the family. I am always amazed at how close this family is. It is like things just pick up right where they left off, not an awkward moment. I have always loved that about them. The kids enjoyed playing, swinging on the swing (twisted and backward, which looked very frightening!) fishing, snipe hunting, 4- wheeling, crafts, playing wiffle ball, exchanging secret cousin gifts, pin trading and over all just hanging out getting to know each other better. We were lucky enough to be able to borrow Craig's bosses camping trailer. WOW! What a difference that made. I think I could get used to those. Very nice! We enjoyed every minute of our time up at the Veenker Cabin and property. It was so much fun to reconnect with so many great people. The week's events ended with a trip to the Provo Temple where Craig and I were able to do Baptisms for the Dead with Caleb and other cousins. It was a very neat experience because it happened to be Caleb's very first time going and doing them. I was very thankful and happy we were able to share it with him. The entire week was amazing. The only bad thing was the CLEAN UP! But other than that I can't complain. I just walked away from the whole experience so thankful for everything I have. I love all of my family! See you all in 3 years!
Posted by Craig and Cricket at 7:19 PM 2 comments
Zach's Baptism
Posted by Craig and Cricket at 7:12 PM 1 comments