Zach loving the fireworks! OOOO, AHHH!
Ready for a SWIM!
I can't remember what is happening in this photo, I just had to laugh at it! Check out how Caleb is lounging just like my dad! I love the expressions on everyone's faces!
Dad on Grill Duty! Great job just like always!
The typical 1/2 circle of chairs filled with the hungry Peterson Family!
Once again the time has come for our Peterson Family Draper Days Celebration. What makes me crack up is the fact that for years now we have outlawed the actual "Draper Days" festivities and just have our own fun at Mom & Dads. But I think it will always be known as Draper Days. The kids and I ventured up to Draper on Friday night, (Craig needed to stay and work on the retaining wall and would come meet us Saturday). We got up there and Cortney & Cari's family were there. We had a great time eating and laughing and just hanging out all night and into the morning. It amazes me that I haven't figured out how to go to sleep at a decent hour when I attend these things (2:00 am isn't a decent hour). The young ones were up early as usual, they wanted a head start on a day of play. We spent Saturday hanging out, playing outside, playing in the little swimming pool, & eating of course! The party officially began around 5:30 or 6:00 pm. We had a great dinner as usual, a great talent show that was absolutely hilarious! A little more play and then the great Draper City Fireworks show! Which did not upset! It was a long day but a great day spent together as a family. There isn't anything I would rather do! The people in my family are those who I love to spend time with, laugh with, cry with, play with, and everything else! I am one lucky gal to have so many great people in my life. I love you all!